Traineeship support for employers

This information is provided for general information only. For more information on currently applicable incentives and funding programs for employers, please refer to the following resources:

We access government incentives wherever possible to deliver lower cost accredited vocational education and training in job related and technical skills.

In addition to subsidised rates for certain qualifications, the Australian Government supports businesses to enrol new staff in traineeships through financial incentives and payroll tax exemptions and rebates. These benefits can be used to offset the cost of training for existing employees.

Further information

While payroll tax benefits and incentives are only applicable to eligible traineeships, subsidised rates may apply even if training is not delivered as a traineeship.

A traineeship is the time spent learning a job (or vocation) under a formal training contract with the employer.

In most cases, a new entrant / new worker traineeship involves an employee who has been with the company for less than three months full-time or 12 months part-time or casual.

In most cases, an existing worker traineeship includes an employee who has been with the company for more than three months full-time or 12 months part-time or casual.

Depending on the employee group, training can sometimes be undertaken as a cash-neutral or even cash-positive exercise. Eligibility for incentives is calculated on a case-by-case basis for individual employees. We will liaise on behalf of the employer with the relevant Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider to determine eligibility.

To provide a detailed ROI estimate, we require the following information for all relevant employees:

  • Date of birth

  • Previous qualification/s

  • Date of completion for previous qualification/s

  • Gross annual salary

Eligibility criteria apply and we cannot guarantee your business will qualify for government benefits, including incentive payments and / or payroll tax exemptions or rebates.